Welcome to the FBG Community

by Anna Victoria in Fitness

“Community is much more than belonging to something; it’s about doing something together that makes belonging matter.”
– Brian Solis

Many of you girls have heard me talk about this before, but the origins of what is now the Fit Body app began back in November 2012 when I started my own fitness journey. I was living in China, going to school, and trying to make sense of this whole fitness world and what it meant to live an entirely new lifestyle. I turned to Instagram as a way to keep myself motivated and created an anonymous account, posting photos, inspirational quotes, healthy recipes, and anything else I could find that inspired me.



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I quickly realized there was an entire fitness community out there of like-minded people who wanted to learn from each other’s successes, share tips, and find and give motivation to other people who were going through the same thing. Even though this “community” was made up of people from all over the world who didn’t know each other, it was no less important than anything that could have existed in person.

So when I developed the Fit Body Guides (FBG) and then the Fit Body app, I knew that cultivating a sense of community and a place where you girls could grow and learn from each other would make all the difference in your own journeys and your success.

Being a part of the FBG Community is one of the most important parts of this program. It is what will keep you motivated, on track, and give you a sense of support when you hit rough patches (which you will!) in your journey. In fact, the success rate of those who create a Fit Body Instagram account increases by 80% versus girls who don’t have a Fit Body account!! This is because a separate, personal (and oftentimes private, if you choose) account allows you to fully dedicate yourself to your progress and share your journey without friends and family watching. Sharing your struggles, as well as your triumphs, with a community made up entirely of ladies who know EXACTLY what you’re going through is invaluable!

And the community doesn’t just exist on Instagram! Joining the Fit Body with Anna Victoria Members group on Facebook is an awesome way to post questions and have discussions about anything related to the Fit Body app or your fitness journey with other girls in the community! The more you reach out to others who are going through what you’re going through, the more support and confidence you will feel in yourself, even when your progress isn’t linear. You’ll realize that no one else’s progress is either, and that’s ok! We’re all in this together and we’re all here to help each other through.

At the end of the day, there are hundreds of workout programs and nutrition guides out there that you could be following. But what makes the Fit Body program so truly special is the FBG community. So take advantage of it! And know that I am a part of the community just as much as you are! I want to help you girls succeed, I want to see you help each other succeed, and I am motivated by you just as much as you are by me! So jump into the process head first and know that this community is here to catch you.

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